Wednesday 29 March 2017

Fall In Love With Someone Who Wants You

Fall in love with someone who wants you, who waits for you. Who understands you even in the madness; someone who helps you, and guides you, someone who is your support, your hope. Fall in love with someone who talks with you after a fight. Fall in love with someone who misses you and wants to be with you. Do not fall in love only with a body or with a face; or with the idea of being in love.

"If you ever fall in love, fall in love with someone who wants to know your favorite color and just how you like your coffee. Fall in love with someone who loves the way you laugh and would do absolutely anything to hear it. Fall in love with someone who puts their head on your chest just to hear your heart beat. Fall in love with someone who kisses you in public and is proud to show you off to anyone they know. Fall in love with someone who makes you question why you were afraid to fall in love in the first place. Fall in love with someone who would never ever want to hurt you. Fall in love with someone who falls in love with your flaws and thinks you are perfect just the way you are. Fall in love with someone who thinks that you are the ONE they would love to wake up to each day."

Woman lives man

When Woman Loves a Man

No matter how strong a woman is …there is this one man in her life for whom she has a weak and soft corner in her heart. This is the man she loves unconditionally. She will forgive him for all his mistakes and accept him with all his flaws and imperfections because she can’t love another man for the rest of her life. She will never question his past and never make him feel jealous of other men. She will never give up on this man and she can do anything in this world for this man because she loves him with all her heart and her soul… 

When a Woman no longer gets frustrated with you

When a woman no longer gets frustrated and upset with you, you can almost guarantee that she doesn't care any more.

People who have treated their partners badly over and over, they point out that she/he no longer questions or complains and they think i’s because their actions have finally been forgiven or just accepted and they are now trusted. Not true – their partners have just given up and no longer care. They stick around simply for kids, money – something. If your actions/words no longer seem to affect a person, then they no longer have the strong feelings towards you they once did. ~ Rhiannon Friend

“Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning do to do afterward.” ~ Kurt Vonnegut

You've done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive, effective, unstoppable determination. ~ Ralph Marston

If the woman barking your important to her, but if she stop, then your nothing anymore. You have no place in her heart. .pandey

The Ripples

The Ripples - A Small Inspirational Story

A man was sitting by a lake. He was throwing small pebbles into it from time to time. A young boy happened to cross by. He was intrigued to see that after every few minutes or so, the man would toss a pebble into the lake.

The boy went up to the man and said, “Good pastime, this stone throwing, he?” “Hmmm,” said the man. He seemed to be deep in thought and obviously did not wish to be disturbed.

Sometime later, the man said softly, “Look at the water, it is absolutely still.”

The boy said, “Yeah, it is.”

The man tossed a pebble into the water and continued, “Only till I toss a pebble into it now do you see the ripples?”

“Yeah,” said the boy, “they spread further and further.”

“And soon, the water is still again,” offered the man.

The boy said, “Sure, it becomes quiet, after a while.”

The man continued, “What if we want to stop the ripples? The root cause of the ripples is the stone. Lets take the stone out. Go ahead and look for it.” The boy put his hand into the water and tried to take the stone out.

But he only succeeded in making more ripples. He was able to take the stone out, but the number of ripples that were made in the process were a lot more than before.

The wise man said, “It is not possible to stop the movement of the water once a pebble has been thrown into it. But if we can stop ourselves from throwing the pebble in the first place, the ripples can be avoided altogether! So too, it is with our minds. If a thought enters into it, it creates ripples. The only way to save the mind from getting disturbed is to block and ban the entry of every superfluous thought that could be a potential cause for disturbance.”

“If a disturbance has entered into the mind, it will take its own time to die down. Too many conflicting thoughts just cause more and more disturbances. Once the disturbance has been caused it takes time to ebb out. Even trying to forcibly remove the thought may further increase the turmoil in the mind. Time surely is a great healer, but prevention is always better than cure.”

Before you allow a thought or a piece of information to enter your mind, put it through the triple filter test of authenticity, goodness and value

Single or married

Single Or Married You Must Immediately Read This... It Will Shock You For Sure!

No matter if you’re single or married … you have to read this: When I got home that night as my wife served me dinner, I grab her hand and said “I have something to tell you.” She sat down and ate quietly. I watched and saw the pain in her eyes. Suddenly I did not know how to open my mouth, but I had to tell her what I was thinking: “I want a divorce”. She did not seem upset by my words and asked me softly, why? You’re not a man?

That night we did not talk, and she cried. She wanted to know what was happening to me …

-It was something with our marriage, but I could not answer what exactly. It happened that she had lost my heart, and I had another woman named Joan. I no longer loved my wife, but I pitied her. With a great sense of guilt, I wrote a divorce agreement and with this agreement she got the house, the car and 30% of our business.

She looked at the agreement and threw it away. She spent 10 years of her life with me and now we were like strangers. I pitied her, for all the lost time, energy was not the same but it could not change. I loved Joan. Suddenly she started screaming. The idea of divorce was now clearer to me.

The next day I came home and I found myself writing at the table. I did not eat dinner and went to sleep, I was very tired having spent the day with Juana. When I woke up, my wife was still writing at the table. I did not mind, I turned around and continued sleeping. In the morning my wife introduced me to divorce conditions: She did not want anything from me, but needed a month’s notice before the divorce.

She asked me for a month, we would have to live as if nothing happened. Her reason was simple, our son had whole month of tests and she did not want to bother him with our broken marriage. I agreed, but she had another request: to agree upon me carrying her to our room like the day we got married. I thought she was going crazy, but that this alone was accepted.

My wife and I had no physical contact since I expressed my intention to divorce, so when I took her to the front door the first day, we both feel bad. Our son walked behind with clapping and saying: Dad is carrying mom is his arms! His words gave me a lot of pain.

I walked the 10 meters with my wife in my arms. She closed her eyes and said quietly: do not tell our son about the divorce. Then I went to work. I drove alone to work. The second day, we were both more relaxed.

She leaned against my chest, I could feel the fragrance of her blouse. I realized that I had not looked at it carefully. I realized she was no longer so young, had some wrinkles, some gray hairs … that was notable a damage of our marriage. For a moment I thought and I ask: what was it I did? The fourth day, I felt some affection was returning between us. This was the woman who gave me 10 years of her life. In the fifth and sixth day, it continued to. I said nothing about Joan.

Every other day it was easier to carry my wife and month was running. I thought I was getting used to her weight. One morning, she was looking for what to wear. She had tried many dresses on, but all of them were too big. It was then that I realized she was very thin, and that was the reason that I did not feel her weight load. Suddenly I realized that I had provoked much pain and bitterness.

Without realizing it, she touched my hair. Our son entered the room and said, Dad, it is time that you take Mom to the door! For my son, seeing his father day after day carry her mother to the door, that had become an essential part of his life. My wife hugged him, I covered my face. I was afraid I changed my thinking about divorce. And holding my wife in my arms to the door, it felt like the first day of our wedding.

She stroked my neck soft and naturally. I held her strong, just like our wedding night. I hugged her and did not move, but she was so thin and that made me sad. The last day I just hugged her and did not want to move, I told her I did not realize that we had no privacy. Our son was at school. I drove to the office, I left the car without closing the door, I climbed the stairs, Joan opened the door, and I said, excuse me, sorry, I do not want to divorce my wife.

Joan looked at me and asked me if I had a fever. I said:

My wife and I love each other, it was that we were doing everything as a routine and boring. We did not value the details of our life since I started carrying her to the room. Joan began to mourn, slapped me and closed the door. Going down the stairs, I went in the car and went to the florist.

I bought my wife flowers. The girl in the florist asked me what to write on the card? I told her to put: I will carry you every morning until death parts us. I arrived at my house with flowers in my hands and smile, and ran up the stairs; when I went … I found my dead wife. My wife was battling cancer, and I was so busy with Joan, so I did not realize. My wife knew she was dying and that is why she asked for a month’s notice before the divorce, so that our son will not have bad memories of divorce.

At least in my son’s eyes, the memory of his father who was a good husband who loved his wife will stay. These small details are what matters in a relationship, not the house, the car, the money in the bank. All this only creates an environment that you think will lead to happiness, but really … is not. Try to keep your marriage happy, share this story on your wall, you may be saving a marriage. All the stories of failure are equal; they give up when they are about to enter to success. We do not know what we have until we lose it…

If you are married or if you are still single, we hope this made you think a little.